What is new in the App: In-App Notification

What is new in the App: In-App Notification

In-App Notifications


You can now craft messages that appear to users at strategic moments within the app. Currently, this feature is tailored to messages displayed for users who have reserved a specific vehicle within a configurable time period.

The feature is currently used in production at TMF member Som Mobilitat

“For Som Mobilitat, it is very important to notify our users through the app. We use “App notifications” in home zones to inform our users about occasional and temporary changes in the service of a community. Some examples are changes in the parking space, changes in the parking access due to work, or the occasional use of a special charging card”. 

Maria Medina. Content & Communication in Som Mobilitat SCCL.


In the name of all TMF members, we thank the cooperative Som Mobilitat for financing the development and testing of the feature. This support allows TMF to improve the platform and provide more value to all TMF members